sPRs community
Cheats Before using the following codes, you must fist enable them by using the server machine and typing in sv_cheats 1. Once this is done, you must choose a level: changelevel [Name of Map]. After selecting the level, you can then go ahead and type in the code for the desired Effect you want to use. Map List Estate Office Vegas Cobble Aztec Tundra OilRig Backalley Train Dust Prodigy Nuke 747 Final Option Italy Highrise Militia ArabStreets Canyon Siege Assault Cheat Codes EffectCode $16,000impulse101 Adjust gravitysv_gravity <-999 - 999999> Arctic sniper rifle givespaceweapon_awp Auto-aim with sniper riflesv_aim Auto-reload disabled-reload Auto-reload enabled+reload Change crosshair coloradjust crosshair Change skinsskin Disable the crosshair to enlarge...
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